Acing Your Studies: Proven Strategies for Academic Excellence

Studying is the most important aspect of a student’s life and is critical to gaining knowledge and achieving academic achievement. Even after studying, not all students achieve excellent marks. It is due to poor study techniques, and if you are one of them, you have come to the proper place.

In this blog, we will explore the best study techniques and strategies for improving your academic grade, whether you are a high school student or a college student. These strategies will help you with your overall academic performance.

How can you improve your academic performance?

The following points below are the best studying strategies for skill development in students and improving academic performance. With the help of the correct and effective strategies, students can cover up their lost grades. Such strategies are:

Time management

Time is ticking every second, and time is priceless. Wasting even a minute can lead to many drawbacks in the academic context. So, time management is very crucial in student life, and using proper management techniques helps them effectively plan their activities. Here are some great time management strategies for students:

  • Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a way to manage your time and study technique. It involves studying intensely for 25 minutes and then taking a five-minute break. After four continuous study intervals, a longer break is implemented, which is around 15-30 minutes. Using this technique, students can develop efficient study habits. Additionally, they can complete their task in less time reducing the sense of burnout.

  • Pareto Analysis (the 80/20 rule)

The Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created this technique, which states that 20% of the actions cause 80% of the outcomes. This technique mainly specializes in identifying and prioritizing tasks and problems, which will help students spend the least amount of time finding their problem and solving it. List out your problem, find your main cause, give a score to each problem according to its importance, group problems based on their cause, and take action according to the score. These are the steps for applying Pareto analysis.

  • Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is based on the principle that” urgent is not important, and important is never urgent”. In this method, you need to organize your study workload into four quadrants: urgent, not urgent, important, and not important as shown below. 

In the urgent category, you should complete any study or task immediately, and in the important category, you have a study or task for long-term goals. Following this method can greatly help you manage and use your time effectively.

elsenhower matrix

Effective study techniques

A lot of students have problems remembering what they’ve learned in the short term. It usually happens when students don’t study after a long break. Long breaks can last more than a week. Various effective study techniques can help you memorize any content for an extended period, and among them, these are the most effective:

SQRRR method

The SQRRR method is a study technique that consists of five steps. It helps with reading comprehension, especially for complex textbooks such as biology, sociology, etc. 

This method is done in such a manner:

  • Survey: In this process, skim reading is done. reading introduction, heading, summary, charts, and pictures. 
  • Question: Generate questions as you read the content of the chapter. For instance, if there is a certain title “Photosynthesis,” then ask yourself “What is photosynthesis?” or ”What do I know about it?”.
  • Read: Now you read the whole chapter and search for answers.
  • Recite: Here you need to summarize the things you read and try to answer those questions. If you can’t answer those then reread and remember to take notes.
  • Review: You should make sure to review what you’ve read. If you skip this step, you may forget much of what you learned.

Leitner method

Sebastian Leitner, a German scientist, created this method to assist students in memorizing their material correctly for an extended period. This is one of the best memorizing and studying techniques. These methods consist of flashcards and at least three boxes. This flashcard contains your study content. How this method works is that you evaluate yourself using flashcards, and for every question you get right, move to the next box. If you get wrong you need to place your card back in your first box.

Each box will determine your study schedule in the following order:

Box 1: Every day 

Box 2: Every other day

Box 3: Every week

Study Routine

According to experts from CDR Engineers Australia, the most crucial part of studying effectively is planning for it. Without planning, nothing goes as you would expect, and effectiveness would also be significantly decreased. Study routine is one of the most used and basic studying techniques students prefer. The study routine should be done with consistency for it to be effective and efficient in your study. You need to make a timetable that you follow every day. Your sleep routine is also included here as sleeping at the correct time helps you focus and concentrate on your studies.

First, calculate the time you need to finish your assignments and prepare your study time according to that. You need to revise what you learned on that same day for every subject you learned. By doing so you can grab the main concept making you understand it in depth and you can also know which part you are confused about so that you can research it to make it clear. 


If you are in class and your teacher is teaching, be sure to take notes. A proper note doesn’t consist of the whole lecture content. While the professor is talking you need to listen as well as write down notes. A proper note is made while understanding the concept and noting down the important parts such as keywords, heading, or statements, and if possible writing them in your own words. This note will help you revise effectively at home during your study time.

In addition to that, it also saves you time and energy, which can be a plus in your exam. Even if you can’t remember the whole point you can still remember those main points, keywords, or statements which can be a great benefit from the exam point of view.

Review your past exam paper

Checking questions on exam papers and re-examining them should be a great help for students and their critical thinking. This is a study method, especially when focusing on your exam. Those questions were selected based on how important they are so review them and note each of the questions that you got wrong so that you will be aware of them and won’t make the same mistake. It also helps you understand your question structure.

So predicting your upcoming exam question won’t be so difficult if this method is followed. What you do is get your exam paper and compare it with your exam sheet. Take note of where you did wrong and try not to make the same mistake again. If you repeat this method every semester, you can be very close to achieving your goal.


In conclusion, academic success does not solely depend on your natural talent or intelligence but also on the effectiveness of your studying technique. By using this technique in your daily routine, you can close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be academically. Consistent effort, discipline, and a strong commitment to improvement are the keys to unlocking your full potential as a student. So apply these strategies, and you can see a change in your overall academic achievement.

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